Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Benefits of Mobile Credit Card Payments

In today’s modern technologically advanced world, innovations are moving quickly, and merchants who are unable to accept mobile credit card processing are failing to maximize their revenue opportunities in a potentially crowded marketplace. With increasing numbers of brick-and-mortar and online-only stores offering this payment method to their customers, it certainly appears mobile credit card processing is the way of the future for the successful businesses of tomorrow.

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BillingTree showcasing payment card account updater for ARM at 2018 ACA International July 23-25 in Nashville

  • Payrazr Account Updater feature reduces payment disruptions from lost, compromised and expired/replaced cards
  • Reduces call backs and streamlines back office operations saving agencies time and money

Phoenix, Ariz. – July 18, 2018 BillingTree®, the leading payment technology provider, today announced plans to feature their innovative auto-account updater at the upcoming ACA International Convention & Expo in Nashville. Payrazr Account Updater™ supplies refreshed cardholder data to create a smoother...

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Top 3 challenges when moving to Electronic Bill Payment & Presentment (EBPP) for business

While buying goods and services online using credit cards is now a widespread practice, viewing credit card bills themselves and making the payments to settle those bills electronically is not. However, with the introduction of new electronic bill payment and presentment (EBPP) options for business products, this is all set to change, since EBPP technology is being more commonly adopted by B2B companies.

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How to accept electronic payments from other businesses

With increasing numbers of companies choosing to accept electronic payments from their business clients, it could not be more important for any company that has not yet investigated the possibilities to look into how it can upgrade its systems. More consumers than ever are opting for online payments, with mobile payments especially on the increase. Between 2010 and 2017, the number of mobile purchases made has increased dramatically, from just 7 percent of buyers to 17 percent, and cashing in on this...

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How much faster do electronic bills get paid versus paper statement?

In the past, companies had no other option but to write up an invoice, mail it to their clients and wait patiently for a paper check to be received in the mail. Now, however, times have changed. Electronic bill payment is now becoming increasingly popular, and with so many benefits to this option, it is easy to see why more companies are choosing to offer this option. By billing clients online and collecting payments over the Internet, customers enjoy better convenience, while merchants profit from better...

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Does b2b e-billing reduce staffing needs?

Every year, according to the Aberdeen Group’s report, there are 10 billion transactions carried out between businesses in the United States. The B2B industry has expanded rapidly over the last few years and it’s expected this number of B2B transactions will increase significantly in the near future. It comes as a surprise, then, that more than 60 percent of companies operating in the B2B sector are still processing transactions manually. However, shifting to automated B2B e-billing not only dramatically...

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What is Level 2 & 3 data and how they save your business money

For any business, being able to accept payments via credit card is becoming increasingly important, especially when it comes to B2B transactions. Although using money transfers or paper checks are still a possibility, most companies now prefer to make payments through credit cards because of the convenience and security they offer. Not only are credit card transactions beneficial to the payer, they are also advantageous for merchants since evidence has shown customers who use credit cards to pay often...

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What integration means to the B2B Accounts Receivables Department

On the other side of every single invoice that the B2B Accounts Receivables Department sends out, is the process of receiving payments. When in the context of B2B payments, this means that accounts payable staff members have to process the invoices before any payment may be made. Simplifying and expediting these processes is becoming ever-more important in today’s increasingly digital world. It couldn’t be more important for companies that are competing on a worldwide scale. The days when ARM teams...

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Reducing cost to collect starts with a modern e-billing and payment infrastructure

One of the challenges that faces businesses these days is the cost of collecting on invoices. With more companies than ever before admitting to delaying their payments to suppliers, it is no wonder that experts believe that e-billing and payment infrastructure are the keys to reducing those costs and improving profitability and cash flow.

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Does e-billing reduce DSOs for business?

Most businesses, whatever their sector or size, find a large amount of their cash flow is significantly delayed by invoices that aren’t paid on time. The good news is there’s a convenient solution – electronic invoicing. By sending invoices online, businesses can shorten the amount of time it takes to submit their bills and receive payments. For businesses that have been wondering how to reduce DSOs, this is good news.

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