Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Five Ideas to Motivate Tenants to Make Online Rental Payments

As a landlord, receiving rent on time is about as important as it gets, and finding property management payment solutions that facilitate this goal is essential. So, how can property managers improve their chances of receiving payments in a timely manner?

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Chargebacks – Their Effect on Payment Processing

Although there are strict regulations in place around debt collection procedures, finding services that offer payment processing for collections and debt buyers can sometimes be a challenge. There are many credit card processors that are still not willing to take the chance of approving a merchant account for debt buyers. Some like BillingTree always makes sure that it is keeping a close eye on these agencies in order to determine the precise level of risk, not only to themselves but also their network of...

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Practices Face Facts – Patients Won’t Pay Healthcare Bills Higher Than 5% Of Their Income

Recent research released by The Advisory Board Co. reveals some worrying statistics for healthcare practices. One fact in the study showed patients were highly unlikely to make payments on any healthcare bills that amounted to more than 5 percent of their household income. So, where does this leave medical practices, and what does it mean for their healthcare payment systems?

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Opening the Dialogue Around Healthcare Payments

With today’s healthcare landscape changing rapidly, following a shift toward greater patient responsibility, providers are having to rely more heavily on their patients to receive their revenue. However, unfortunately, there has been a lack of response within the healthcare payments industry, and patients have been left confused and frustrated with what they see as an inconvenient and hard-to-navigate payment experience that is all too often offered by their medical care provider. It is, therefore, vital...

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Five Steps to Maximize Your Healthcare Accounts Receivable Management

Before you can begin a successful healthcare accounts receivable management collection strategy, you need to have a clear plan of attack. It can only be by developing some standard criteria that your team can have the direction and rules it requires in order to confidently approach every account. However, in some cases, the most sensible policy will be to refer some debt to a third party collection agency, so your staff’s time can be freed up to work on more important internal projects.

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How Electronic Payments for Property Are Helping Property Managers

For tenants, there is nothing more frustrating than having to write out a paper check and mail it or drop into a property manager’s office to make a payment. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that so many tenants are falling behind on their rent. However, property managers and landlords around the United States have discovered that they can bolster their business while improving their cash flow by introducing electronic payments for property rents.

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The Impact of Recurring Transactions on Credit Union Payment Services

While debit and credit cards are going to be here for a long time, new payment options, such as P2P and mobile wallets, mean that these more traditional options will start to become increasingly unpopular. Now that buyers have started migrating to buying online, there are fewer shoppers who physically take a card out of their wallets to make a payment in person. So, how will all this affect credit union payment services?

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Latest Changes to Credit Card Processing for Collection Agencies

On April 15, a new protocol was put in place for disputing Visa chargebacks. This means that companies that offer credit card processing for collection agencies and that offer high-risk merchant services must pay more attention. Industries considered to be high risk, such as collection agencies, are labeled so because of the excessively high number of chargebacks they experience.

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Is Negative or Positive Reinforcement the Best Solution for Nonpayers?

Whatever the size of your business, you will no doubt already be aware that invoicing is key to your company’s success. After all, it’s how cash continues to flow into your organization. However, when everything doesn’t go according to plan, and payments are not received on time, life can be an uphill struggle. What do you do when a customer or client doesn’t make his or her payment on time? Keeping clients happy is important. But, the severe consequences nonpayment can have on your business demand that...

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The Expansion of Digital B2B Payment Processing Solutions

While digital payments are rapidly becoming the payment option of choice among regular consumers, when it comes to B2B payment processing solutions, they are still lagging far behind in terms of acceptance. Yet, company owners who adhere rigidly to the old ways are at risk being left behind in this rapidly expanding world of online transactions.

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