Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Reserves As Part of Your Underwriting: What You Might Experience and Why

Did you know that just because you have a business and a bank account setup, it doesn’t mean you will automatically be approved for a merchant account with a card processor?

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Payment Plans: What You Need to Know

No matter the reason a customer falls behind on payments, it can undoubtedly cause significant headaches for businesses that rely on regular cash flow for daily operations.

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IVR: Taking Phone Payments 24/7

IVR: Taking Phone Payments 24/7

Go contactless with IVR payments.

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Integration: The Key to Successful Electronic Payment Adoption

Many merchants would agree: One barrier to the adoption of the electronic payment process is lack of integration across systems.

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How to Manage NSF, Chargebacks and Unauthorized Returns

Accepting credit cards as payment in your daily business transactions has many obvious advantages: You can increase your revenue and your customer base, add convenience and improve productivity.

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Expanding your business by offering first party collections to your client base

When you own a company, it’s no secret that dealing with slow-paying customers is often just a part of doing business.

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BillingTree’s 2015 success sparks Executive Team advancements to parlay growth into 2016

  • Over $2 billion payments processed in 2015, a 45% increase over 2014 in the first full year under CEO Edz Sturans
  • Adoption of Payrazr® payment solution suite reinforces the company’s growth
  • Executive leadership advancements in recognition of company’s achievements and to fuel continued growth into 2016

Phoenix, Ariz. January 12, 2016 – BillingTree®, a leading payment solutions provider experienced strong growth during its first full year of operations under CEO Edz Sturans. The company continued its...

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Are You Properly Underwritten for Your Line of Business? Don’t Let Shenanigans Risk Your Ability to Process Payments

We’ve all heard the popular adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” right?

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Accepting Medical Spending and Health Savings Account Payments

Unfortunately, for many of today’s busy organizations, collecting on past due balances and Early Out arrangements requires the kind of wealth of industry knowledge that only comes from years and years of experience within the healthcare collections space.

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Five Benefits of Online Bill Pay

It’s surprising to hear how many businesses today are still manually generating their customer invoices and using outdated billing software.

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