Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

BillingTree receives NACHA certification of compliance for ACH Operating Rules

BillingTree assessed in accordance with 2016 NACHA Operating Rules

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What is EIRF and How Does it Affect You?

Every now and then, when looking over your statement, you may have noticed a charge called “EIRF” and have wondered what EIRF is. The Electronic Interchange Reimbursement Fee, also known as EIRF, is an additional transaction interchange rate applied by Visa to certain transactions. It is a hefty charge that may appear on your statement when a transaction has been re-classified to a more expensive category.

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Three methods to Improve Credit Union Efficiency

One of the methods of measuring the effectiveness of a credit union is the Efficiency Ratio. The Efficiency Ratio is calculated by dividing the bank’s non-interest expenses by their net income. The ratio tells how well a credit union is using their assets to generate profits. Part of improving the ratio is to drive down the costs of operation. One of the best methods for doing so is to review current processes to understand where improvements can be made. Here are a few suggestions for lowering costs.

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Reducing the stigma of debt through virtual negotiations

If you have low-balance or early-out accounts, online virtual negotiations can relieve the stigma of settling their debt because it will let a person come up with a payment plan without the requirement of talking to a human.

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Debt Collection Litigation Trends Down for Five Months

Here is some good news for the collection industry: Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) litigations were down during July 2016. The drop was significant: FDCPA suits were down 12.6% and FCRA suits were down 35.1%.

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Cost Savings for Credit Unions through Online Collections

In BillingTree’s 2016 Financial Services Operations and Technology Survey, it was discovered that in the business growth strategies and critical factors area, member retention and growing the base of members through client acquisition were the two top factors respondents cited as critical to growth and profitability for financial services organizations in 2016, with cost reduction ranking a close third. Respondents ranked new technologies fourth, followed by offering merchant services to customers/members...

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Multiple Payment Methods Increase Healthcare Collections

According to Healthcare Finance News, more than half of healthcare provider bills do not get paid. For every dollar that is billed to patients, providers have historically failed to collect 65 cents. Providers are experts at managing insurance reimbursement, but collecting self-pay dollars is a different story. With the average annual deductible for covered workers increasing 255% since 2006 and projected to continue this growth trajectory, providers are faced with a daunting challenge to remain...

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Massachusetts Court Rules Any Call is a “Communication”

If you own a collection agency in Massachusetts, here is important information that will impact your business. A new ruling by the Massachusetts Superior Court states that any call from a creditor to a consumer’s cell phone that goes to voicemail is an official “communication.” In court case Watkins v. Glenn Associates, Inc., the Court held that even if the creditor does not leave a message on the consumer’s voicemail, the creditor’s call counts as one of two permitted calls per week under Massachusetts...

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Benefits of Payment Processing for HealthCare

Now that healthcare has started to come with higher deductibles and consumers are responsible for more of the payment, consumers are demanding more hospital pricing transparency. After all, consumers want to know what they will be paying for services.

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Advantages of Mobile Payments for Student Loan Collections

According to the Mobile Payments Report from, payments using mobile devices continue to increase at double-digit growth rates. Their latest US mobile forecast finds that volume will reach $75 billion during 2016. Volume is expected to increase significantly by 2020, reaching $503 billion. This reflects a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 80% between 2015 and 2020.

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