Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

The Keys to Effective Payment Processing for Collections

Collection agencies, and various other industry-specific collection services, provide a vitally important service for small businesses across industries such as Financial Services, Healthcare, Property Management, Utilities, Telecommunications and many, many more. Research has shown that they help small businesses grow and ultimately succeed by helping them remain viable through collecting rightfully owed debts in a timely fashion through an outside service. In order to do this (and remain profitable) the...

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How to Improve AR Management and Collections

Improve Your AR Management and Collections with High-Quality Payment Processing

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Peering Into B2B Payments’ (Near-Term) Future

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Debt Collection Ranks #1 in Consumer Complaints

In March of 2016 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released their Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book for 2015, which compiles and provides analysis of all the complaints that come into the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network. From that analysis they created a top ten list of industries that received the most complaints. After analyzing more than 3 million complaints the FTC found that debt collections is the top industry; it racked up 29 percent of the total number of complaints.

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BillingTree’s HFMA Western Region Symposium Activities include Wayne Newton Keynote

  • Company also showcasing payment technology for accelerating healthcare revenue cycles along with keynote sponsorship
  • Recent BillingTree report shows healthcare organization collection processes lagging counterparts in other industries

Phoenix, Ariz. – January 12, 2017 BillingTree®, a leader in healthcare payment technology, sponsors Wayne Newton’s keynote at the upcoming 19th Annual HFMA Western Region Symposium January 15-18. Wayne Newton has been named one of the “Top Three Entertainers of the Century,...

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AR Billing for Beginners: How to Begin Collecting Payments

You have decided to get involved in the accounts receivable collections industry. You see the opportunities available, you negotiate well and you know how it helps small businesses so you have decided to give a go. Once you have made the plunge, you will be ready to make your first collection and your response will probably be “OK, now what?”. Here are five accounts receivable (AR) billing tips to begin collecting payments.

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Consumer Credit Default Rates Increased in October

Consumer credit, auto loans and first mortgage default rates increased in October according to the S&P Experian Consumer Credit Default Indices.

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Collecting Healthcare Self-Pay Through Integrated Billing

Healthcare providers who collect payments from self-pay patients are always looking for methods to increase their collections. Unfortunately though, a lot of patients are slow in paying their bills. Here is why: one of the things that frustrate patients when trying to pay their healthcare bills is that they get a number of bills from a number of different people or institutions that have helped them (doctors, pharmacists, etc.).

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CFPB Issues Warning Letters to Mortgage Lenders and Brokers

In late October the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued warning letters to 44 mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers. In the letter, the Bureau stated that they have information that appears to show they (the financial institution) may be required to collect, record and report data about their housing-related lending activity and that they may be in violation of those requirements.

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Benefits of Recurring Credit Card Payments

Many businesses and collection agencies are familiar with recurring ACH payments, but are you aware that credit cards can be set up for automatic recurring payments? Automated recurring credit card payments are convenient for customers and they offer significant advantages to agencies as well. Electronic billing helps simplify the payment process, increase cash flow and reduce costs.

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