Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Leading Community Association software provider TOPS Software LLC to integrate BillingTree and Payrazr payment technology

  • Integration extends card not present payment technology to TOPS customers and makes available BillingTree Merchant Services

Phoenix, Ariz. – March 15, 2017 BillingTree® today announced that major Community Association software provider, TOPS Software LLC, has partnered to offer integrated Merchant Services and Payrazr Marketplace solutions interfaced via API to its software applications. The new partnership extends a flexible range of card not present (CNP) payment options to TOPS clients and their...

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Online Payment Processing for Property Management Groups

When it comes to collecting rents, a significant quantity of property management companies still collect paper checks. According to a survey by the Association of Financial Professionals, the most common form of payment is still the old-fashioned paper check. The survey showed that paper checks are used, on average, 50% of the time to make payments. In property management for commercial buildings this number is probably significantly higher.

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Payment Services 101 for Property Management Companies

Property management companies provide an important service to businesses by providing physical space for the business to put up a storefront. In order to do this the management company puts together leases for the businesses and then collects the rents/lease payments when they come due. When a property management company is small they may collect the rents in the form of paper checks. As they grow, they may consider using the services of a payment processor because the payment processing software will...

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IVR Payment Processing 101 for Credit Unions

An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is call center software that enables callers to service their account or make payments using spoken or typed commands on the telephone keypad without needing to talk with an representative. With an IVR payment processing system, callers can make debit card, credit card, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments 24 hours a day.

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Automated Payments Make Collecting Rent Easy for Property Managers

According to, roughly half of all U.S. consumers paid bills online in 2013. Based on information from Pew Research and the Federal Reserve 56% of consumers pay at least one bill online per month via online banking and almost 70 million U.S. consumers do their banking online. If your property management company has not yet set up the option for tenants to pay their rent online you’re missing the boat. People are used to paying bills online so they will pay their rents online as well.

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Electronic Payment Processing Solutions for Property Managers

One of the business functions of a property manager is to collect rents, late fees, HOA dues and other charges. According to the National Property Management Association the majority of rents are still paid with paper checks. While this may be the accepted method of doing so, it is to the advantage of both the property management company and the tenants to set up online payments processing. Switching to electronic payments reduces transaction steps for the tenant all while increasing the speed of the...

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How to Start Accepting Online Property Management Payments

As part of your property manager duties you are always looking for methods to increase revenue while reducing costs. One of the areas that you may have examined is collecting payments; rents, lease fees, HOA dues, etc. You already know that payments made through online payment gateways save you both time and money. When you calculate the processing fees, personnel time and material costs of processing paper checks, receiving online payments can save significant money. Now let us assume that you have...

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BillingTree Underwrites Operations and Technology Survey Series for Fifth Consecutive Year

  • Surveys supply benchmarks for technology adoption and utilization in a growing list of industries including ARM, Financial Services & Healthcare
  • Adds Property Management to 2017 series and kicked off with ARM, both underway now with others to follow

Phoenix, Ariz. – February 09, 2017 BillingTree® announces the start of its fifth annual ‘Operations and Technology Survey’ Series beginning with the ARM industry. It also announced the launch of its first annual Property Management Survey – now part of the...

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ARM Solutions: Making it Easy for Your Consumers to Pay

ARM solutions

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Barton “Chip” Bright joins BillingTree as General Counsel and Compliance Officer in new addition to Executive Team

  • Duties will include oversight of the Compliance Management Program at BillingTree
  • Company recently added 10 new headcount as it continues to execute on its vertical market growth strategy, posting over 20% top line revenue growth in 2016

Phoenix, Ariz. – January 31, 2017 BillingTree®, a leading payment technology and services provider, today announced the appointment of Barton ‘Chip’ Bright as General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer. Bright will lead the Compliance and Risk teams at BillingTree...

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