Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

An HOA Guide to Choosing Property Management Payment Solution Vendors

For a homeowners’ association (HOA), choosing the right property management payment solution vendor to meet the needs of the organization is very important. Finding the right features to meet the need of the individual HOA is vital since some will only require a handful of features and others will need a comprehensive, omni-channel payment platform. Knowing the key factors to consider before making a purchase is important, so here we look at what needs to be considered before finalizing a choice.

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Car-Ware integrates BillingTree digital payment technology into its dealer management solutions

  • New Auto Finance partnership makes BillingTree solution suite available to Car-Ware dealers nationwide
  • Dealers can offer industry-specific digital payment options for Auto Finance transactions

Phoenix, Ariz. – May 30, 2018 BillingTree®, the leading payment technology and services provider, today announced that auto dealer management specialists Car-Ware will integrate the myPayrazr solution suite into its software platform. The completed integration enables Car-Ware clients to utilize BillingTree...

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Payment Processing Industry Goes Mobile, Has Your Business?

The forecast for mobile payments in 2018 shows continued growth, with reports suggesting nearly one in five users will use their smartphone for payments sometime this year. If your business hasn’t already implemented a mobile payment processing strategy, it’s time to consider it. According to the latest proximity mobile payments forecast from eMarketer, the total value of mobile payment transactions in the US will grow 210 percent over the next few years.

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Sixth annual ARM Industry Survey finds shift in compliance and security concerns

  • BillingTree annual Operations and Technology Survey reveals PCI compliance highest ranked concern
  • Change in consumer demand sees mobile text payments among the most desired payment capability
  • New technologies to expand payment channels top factor for growth and profitability in 2018

Phoenix, Ariz. – May 2, 2018 BillingTree®, the leading payment technology provider, today released the key findings of its sixth annual ARM ‘Operations and Technology’ Survey. The results collected from over 150 agencies of...

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Better Patient Communication and Its Role in Facilitating Effective Healthcare Billing Solutions

Today’s healthcare landscape has seen numerous changes as patients are facing increased responsibility for the cost of their treatment. This leaves providers relying more heavily on patients for a larger proportion of their revenue. However, despite these changes, healthcare billing solutions have been very slow when it comes to changing in response. And, this has left patients frustrated by the inconvenient and confusing payment experiences being offered by healthcare providers. An evaluation of billing...

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What Are the Worst Methods of Property Management Rent Collection?

Whether you are a landlord or community association manager working for a property management company, the foundation of your revenue comes from rental income. However, when it comes to property management rent collection, there can be a number of challenges to face. Despite late fees and lease agreements, many tenants these days struggle to make payments on time. So, how can you facilitate a timely payment? And, which methods should you avoid to make sure you make things easy for your tenants?

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What Does Your Healthcare Organization Need to Know About Payment Devices and Healthcare Payment Processing Companies?

Making sure an ongoing flow of revenue is vital in today’s challenging healthcare environment. More and more providers are finding it increasingly difficult to get paid on time. Offering convenient payment methods is key to success in this area, and, therefore, choosing healthcare payment processing companies that can supply a payment device that enables collection of patient payments at key touchpoints during the patient encounter is vital.

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A Guide to The Role of The Property Manager

Owning a rental property is an excellent way of providing an extra income, or even of generating the equivalent of a full-time salary. However, managing the day-to-day running of the property can be complex, time-consuming, and stressful. It is no wonder, then, that many landlords look for an alternative way to enjoy all the benefits of owning a rental home without having to deal with any of the negative elements. When landlords have too much on their plate to manage their investment portfolios, they turn...

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Tips for Credit Unions – Social Media and Online Services

Credit unions are still lagging behind when it comes to moving forward into the 21st century. Attracting younger members is proving more challenging than a lot of financial institutions expected and finding ways of appealing to Millennials is paramount. Harnessing the power of social media, as well as an online processor for credit union payments, is vital in today’s increasingly Internet-obsessed society. So, here are some tips to bring credit union organizations up to date.

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Relieving Patient Stress – Can Healthcare Merchant Solutions Help?

While some patients are stressed about their ill health, for as many as three-quarters of them, money is the major cause of trauma in their lives. And, paying for the cost of their treatment won’t be helping. While people can plan for most of the big expenses in their lives, such as moving to a new house or buying a car, nobody plans to get ill or need an operation. So, with today’s high deductibles and co-pays, it’s no wonder that so many of us suffer from serious financial concerns when we need to visit...

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