Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Product Release Notes: May 7th, 2020

Product Release Notes

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Compliance is Key in Collections Payment Processing

Compliance in Collections Payment Processing

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Why Choose BillingTree for Collections Payment Processing

Collections payment processing desperately needs a digital revolution! That’s where we come in.

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How Online Portals Can Help Fuel Delivery Companies During COVID-19

Use online portals to adapt to the current crisis. 

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The Future of the Collections Industry Post COVID-19

The Future of the Collections Industry Post COVID-19

Despite misconceptions about the collections industry, the goal of major organizations, like the ACA, is to educate and provide products/ services to members at price points they probably could NOT get on their own. Businesses, especially essential ones like hospitals, will continue to need collection services to survive and thrive in the future.

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Contactless Payments: Solving New Challenges in Healthcare Collections

Contactless Payments: Solving New Challenges in Healthcare Collections

Solving Current Healthcare Problems with Contactless Payments

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How Payment Portals Can Help Your Healthcare Business Grow

Use an online portal to grow your healthcare business.

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Misconceptions in the Collections Industry with Mark Neeb

Misconceptions in the Collections Industry with Mark Neeb

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Contactless is No Longer an Option for Credit Unions

The world never stops moving forward. Though, during a crisis, it may not seem that way. Many businesses are feeling the impact of COVID-19 in many ways, highlighting the urgent need to do business virtually. That’s why everything is going digital, and mobile. The fast, seamless nature of online shopping has made digital payments popular in many industries, but it’s not widespread yet.

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How Text Payments Can Help Your Business Grow

Text payments are the future of customer engagement.

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