Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

Credit Union Payment Services – Busting the Myth

Although many people are aware that credit unions offer better loan and credit card rates than banks and also boast lower fees, there are still many myths surrounding membership. With confusion surrounding the eligibility, technology, and payment services, many people who could benefit from being a member are often reluctant to take the first step. While the number of credit union members has increased by around 10 million over the last decade or so, there are still many more who remain hesitant to sign...

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A Look at The Future of Medical Payment Processing

There has been a dramatic change over the last few years in the medical payment processing landscape. Healthcare providers are now finding that they have to adapt to the latest requirements while keeping their patients’ data safe and secure, and ensuring that they receive prompt payments for treatment given. Healthcare organizations have a uniquely complex payment ecosystem, which has its own unique security concerns that need to be dealt with. Healthcare debts are now ranked as one of the major reasons...

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What Your Medical Practice Should Know About Healthcare Credit Card Processing

While many people benefit from some form of health insurance coverage, the majority of patients at any medical practice will have to pay for at least part of their treatment out of their own pockets. The proportion of payments that must be met by patients is rising all the time. Whether they are co-payers or are paying for the entire cost of their visit, patients report that they find it easier to make the necessary payments when their provider offers healthcare credit card processing facilities. In...

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How Do Past Due Medical Receivables Lose Value with Time?

These days, healthcare providers are increasingly finding that they are struggling with growing numbers of past due medical receivables, and this can lead to limited cash flow and potential financial difficulties. Patients who are struggling to pay their share of their medical bills at the point of treatment may well continue to fail to pay once their invoice becomes due, and then, furthermore, once their bill is past due. Evidence has shown that, with every month that passes, the chances of receiving the...

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Top Tenant Excuses for Late Rent Payments, and Effective Rental Payment System Solutions

Anyone who runs a property management company will be very familiar with the most common tenant excuses for non-payment of rent. While some of the reasons may be genuine, others are often because of poor financial management on the tenant’s behalf. Yet, whatever the reason, the fact remains that failure to make regular payments can lead to cash-flow problems for the property management company and financial hardship for the landlord. The key to resolving this issue lies in implementing effective rental...

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Medical Bill Debt Collection Rates Soar For 24-to-46 Year-Olds

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How to Use Integrated Payment Solutions to Expand Your Business

For anyone who is considering expanding his or her business onto the global stage, there are a number of things that need to be considered. However, one of the primary elements for a business owner to consider is adopting integrated payment solutions to make his or her company more attractive to consumers worldwide.

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How Are Increasing Deductibles Affecting HealthCare Organizations?

There has been a growing trend for increasing deductibles on healthcare plans over the last couple years, and evidence shows they are climbing ever higher as time goes on. As saving money and reducing costs become ever more important to businesses, around three-quarters of employers are now offering high-deductible healthcare plans as an option for their workers. Predictions have been made, however, that say within just a few years, they will be the only option offered to employees by almost half the...

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How Can High-Quality Patient Pay Services Improve Satisfaction?

Providers of healthcare in the United States today are facing some serious financial challenges as they struggle to cope with the problems that increasing consumerization is throwing at the industry. These days, patients must pay for more of their treatments costs than in the past, and that creates stress and confusion, not only for the patients but the providers, as well. With healthcare being transformed into a commodity, the costs for which must be met by consumers in the same way as anything else,...

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A Guide to Effective Accounts Receivable Management Techniques

Management of cash flow is key to a successful business, and mastering this skill will help to protect you from the stress of unpaid bills and ensure you receive payment for your services or products. Keeping your business running requires sufficient liquid assets to pay your workers and suppliers. Therefore, maintaining that cash flow by guaranteeing all accounts receivable are promptly paid is essential. However, one problem that most businesses face from time to time is making sure customers pay bills...

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