Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

BillingTree Healthcare Survey Reveals Payment Technology Adoption Shifts to more Responsive Billing Methods

  • Results available now – third annual healthcare survey on payment collection challenges and technology adoption trends
  • Web portal payments offered by 63% of providers, over a quarter now offer text-based payment options
  • Plans to adopt text-based bill payments outpaces Interactive Voice Response automation

Phoenix, Ariz. – December 6, 2018 BillingTree®, the payment problem solvers™, today released the findings of its third annual Healthcare Operations and Technology Survey, designed to identify payment...

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A Look Ahead to Corporate FinTech Adoption Over the Next Two Years

The new year is almost upon us. With that in mind, it is time to look ahead to what the next year holds for B2B payment solutions. In the world of corporate finance, there are many predictions about how businesses will adopt FinTech. The next couple of years look set to be an exciting time for businesses. Advanced technologies, such as blockchain and AI, are already on the horizon and are ready to take over.

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BillingTree and TCN Announce Strategic Integration Partnership to Enhance Payment Offerings for Contact Centers

Contact center customers gain access to cost-effective payment processing options through Interactive Voice Response and mobile SMS

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Breaking Down The Stigma Of Using Credit Union Payment Services

Although some people still think there is a stigma attached to using credit unions, this attitude is on the wane. In the current economic climate, consumers are realizing that the real key to making sound financial decisions is researching institutions. Most people are aware there’s a major difference between banks and credit unions in terms of loan and deposit rates. However, there remains a number of misconceptions about credit unions that we should dispel. From misunderstandings about credit union...

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Is Retiring Paper The Answer For Today’s Healthcare Payments Companies?

The modern world is in the grip of a digital revolution. In 2017 alone, the volume of mail declined by 4 percent. Meanwhile, online holiday season shopping grew six times faster than the number of people using brick-and-mortar stores. In 2017, 7,000 stores closed their doors for good. What does all this mean in terms of the healthcare industry? Paper is still king across the sector, with around 3,000 printed pages for every consumer record. This shows that there is still serious resistance to today’s...

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Looking For Better Healthcare Payment Solutions? Three Reasons Why Patient Engagement Is Key

Today’s healthcare consumers are paying more both for health coverage premiums and medical services themselves. Americans are spending roughly double on average per person for their healthcare compared with similar countries. Nevertheless, 75 percent of U.S. citizens believe they are not getting a good value for the amount they are spending. The industry shouldn’t overlook patients’ healthcare experiences any longer. So, what steps can a healthcare provider take to engage more effectively with its...

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Auto Loans On The Rise – How Can Card Services For Credit Unions Help?

Auto loans are on the rise, and more people are choosing to go to their credit unions to get one. All of this sounds like good news for credit unions. However, while credit unions are giving out more car loans, so are other lenders in the marketplace. The volume of auto loans taken out with credit unions is up by more than 50 percent since 2011. However, their market share is not growing any faster than the volume of loans taken out with other lenders. This means that credit unions still need to convince...

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B2C Or B2B Payment – What Are The Differences?

There are some key differences between a B2C payment and a B2B payment. However, knowing what those differences are can be key to achieving better customer loyalty. Here is a quick overview of the top four differences between these two types of payment.

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Why Are Bundled Payments Healthcare Packages So Popular?

Bundled payments healthcare packages have proven popular with payers who want to participate in value-based care. This is because bundled payments have a lower financial risk when compared to many other payment models. Not only that, but bundled payments offer benefits to both payers and providers.

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BillingTree enhances and integrates SMS payment solution within Payrazr & CareView for text notifications and mobile payments

  • ‘BillingTree SMS’ builds on success of existing offering adding payment and communication channel via text to ARM, healthcare, financial institutions and direct billers to reduce cost and expedite settlements
  • Sign up for 6-months free BillingTree SMS trial through end of the year!
  • Webinar on SMS use cases and BillingTree SMS demo set for Dec. 6th

Phoenix, Ariz. – November 14, 2018 BillingTree®, the payment problem solvers™, today announced the expanded integration of text based billing and payments...

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