Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

How Can Data Drive Smarter Decisions for Credit Unions?

Credit unions are frequently looking for ways to make smarter decisions when it comes to their members. Part of that involves looking at their own role in the future. How can they stay relevant to members both today and in the future? What differences should they put in place to ensure they survive into the next decade? Often, the answers lie in making small changes. The key, as some successful credit union CEOs have found out, is to listen to members. It can only be by listening and acting that credit...

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Three Chief Financial Officer Tips for Accounts Receivable Management

Handling the cash outflow and inflow is a key element in any CFO’s job. However, it’s never going to be an easy one. This is especially the case when we consider accounts receivable management. It might be a simple matter to set terms and send invoices. However, it is harder to manage the policies and processes that allow the company to receive payments in a timely manner. Any CFO knows that cash flow can easily be unbalanced. After all, you must cover essential expenses. But what happens if payments...

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Spotting the Key Signs of An Accounts Receivable System Problem

A key concern for any business is cash flow. This is particularly important for any mid-sized or small business that wants to grow. To support that growth, it is vital to be able to access working capital. Therefore, companies must find an effective way to boost their cash flow to make investments in growth strategies. Unfortunately, the much-needed cash flow all too often is stuck in the accounts receivable system.

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Christine Lee joins BillingTree as Chief Executive Officer bringing 30+ years payments experience to emerging fintech powerhouse

Phoenix, Ariz. – January 10, 2019 BillingTree®, the payment problem solvers™, announced today the appointment of Christine “Chris” Lee as Chief Executive Officer. Former CEO Edgars Sturans will remain as a BillingTree Board member. Ms. Lee’s hiring comes at an opportune time for the rapidly growing payment solution provider, supplying a wealth of payment industry and banking experience as the company expands deeper within new verticals. Her expertise will compliment the company’s success in ARM, Auto...

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Credit Unions Encouraged to Thrive on Change

For too long, credit unions have been focusing their energies on fighting change. However, according to industry leaders, this could be where they have been going wrong. Instead of dwelling in the past, modern credit union CEOs are beginning to look to the future. The term “thrive on change” is now becoming a byword among credit union presidents. Instead of always looking backward, it’s time to face the future proudly and confidently. Embracing new developments is the key to this. This is anything from...

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ACA Spring Forum & Expo

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MHA Annual Business Summit

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MGMA Financial Conference

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HFMA Dixie Institute

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Chicago Dental Society MidWinter Meeting

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