Recent Posts by Kristen Hoyman

MCUL/CUSG Annual Convention & Exposition

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Are Satisfied Patients the Answer to Better Medical Account Receivables Collection?

Patients are now paying a larger portion of their healthcare costs. This has led to healthcare providers struggling with their medical account receivables collection. Patient payments now amount to around a third of all provider revenue. At one time, providers were able to cope with losses because of patients were unable to pay. However, today, this is no longer tenable. When patients fail to pay on time, cash flow is severely affected. Luckily, there is a solution, and that lies in keeping patients...

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How Can Health Payment Solutions Help When Patients Argue?

Practice staff members have a difficult task ahead of them at the best of times. Dealing with patients can already be fraught with problems. These days, however, the challenges are even greater. Public service organizations, writers, and companies are now telling patients they shouldn’t be paying their healthcare bills. These organizations claim they’re helping patients to pay the right amount. However, in real terms, they are offering patients a way of delaying payment or even avoiding making payments...

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Corelation Client Conference

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GLCCA Annual Conference

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HFMA Region 1 Annual Conference

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Northwest Collectors Conference

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Michigan ACA Annual Conference

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2019 CRS

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AAO Annual Session

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